Discover Your Chances: A Guide to Admission at SPA Delhi with a JEE Main Paper 2 Score of 255 in

Securing admission in the prestigious School of Planning and Architecture (SPA), Delhi, is a dream for many architecture aspirants across India. The admission process is highly competitive, and the JEE Main Paper 2 score plays a crucial role in determining your chances. If you’re expecting a score of 255 in JEE Main Paper 2, you might be wondering about your chances of getting into SPA Delhi. This article will guide you through the admission process, cut-off trends, and other factors that can influence your chances of securing a seat in SPA Delhi.

Understanding the Admission Process

The admission to B.Arch and B.Planning courses in SPA Delhi is based on the JEE Main Paper 2 score. The National Testing Agency (NTA) conducts this exam, and the Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) manages the seat allocation process. After the declaration of JEE Main results, JoSAA conducts several rounds of counselling, during which the seats are allocated based on the candidates’ scores and preferences.

Understanding the previous year cut-off trends can give you a fair idea about the score required for admission in SPA Delhi. In 2020, the opening rank for B.Arch in SPA Delhi was 162, and the closing rank was 396 for the general category. For B.Planning, the opening rank was 110, and the closing rank was 364. However, these ranks can vary each year based on the difficulty level of the exam, number of applicants, and available seats.

Factors Influencing Your Chances

Several factors can influence your chances of getting into SPA Delhi with a JEE Main Paper 2 score of 255. These include:

  • Your All India Rank (AIR): Your AIR is a significant factor that determines your chances. A score of 255 can likely get you a good rank, but the exact rank can vary based on the performance of other candidates.
  • Category: SPA Delhi has a reservation policy as per the government norms. If you belong to a reserved category, you might have higher chances.
  • Choice of Course: The cut-off score can vary for B.Arch and B.Planning courses. Depending on your course preference, your chances might differ.


While a score of 255 in JEE Main Paper 2 is commendable, predicting the exact chances of admission can be challenging due to the factors mentioned above. It’s advisable to stay updated with the official notifications and counselling process. Remember, securing a seat in SPA Delhi is not just about the score; it’s also about your passion and dedication towards architecture and planning.