Choosing the Right Firepower: Glock 17 for Concealed Carry – Size Matters

When it comes to concealed carry, size does matter. The Glock 17, a popular choice among firearm enthusiasts, often sparks debate over its suitability for concealed carry due to its size. While it’s a reliable, high-capacity semi-automatic pistol, some argue that it’s too large for comfortable and discreet carry. However, the decision ultimately depends on various factors such as the individual’s body type, clothing, carry method, and personal comfort. Let’s delve deeper into the considerations for choosing the Glock 17 as a concealed carry weapon.

Understanding the Glock 17

The Glock 17 is a 9mm semi-automatic pistol known for its durability, reliability, and high-capacity magazine. It’s a full-sized model, measuring 7.32 inches in length, 5.43 inches in height, and 1.18 inches in width. While these dimensions provide excellent grip and control, they also contribute to the debate about its suitability for concealed carry.

Body Type and Clothing

Your body type and clothing choices significantly influence your ability to comfortably and discreetly carry a Glock 17. Larger individuals or those who regularly wear loose or layered clothing may find it easier to conceal this full-sized pistol. However, if you’re smaller or prefer tighter clothing, the Glock 17 may print noticeably, drawing attention to the fact that you’re carrying a firearm.

Carry Method

The method you choose to carry your firearm also plays a crucial role. Holster options for the Glock 17 include inside-the-waistband (IWB), outside-the-waistband (OWB), shoulder, and ankle holsters. IWB holsters are often preferred for concealed carry as they offer better concealment, especially with a shirt or jacket worn over the top. However, the larger size of the Glock 17 may make IWB carry uncomfortable for some people.

Personal Comfort

Comfort is a subjective factor that varies from person to person. Some people find the Glock 17 comfortable to carry and shoot due to its size and weight distribution. Others may find it too bulky or heavy for prolonged carry. It’s essential to try carrying the Glock 17 in various positions and holsters to determine what works best for you.


While the Glock 17 may be larger than many other concealed carry options, it’s not necessarily too big. The decision depends on your personal comfort, body type, clothing, and carry method. It’s a reliable, high-capacity firearm that offers excellent control and accuracy, making it a worthy consideration for concealed carry. However, it’s crucial to try before you buy to ensure it’s the right fit for you.